Solar vergola, pergola and shade sails or the like.

Solar Vergola is an adjustable louvre system, which can be adjusted to let light and sun in during the colder months of the year, keep the sun out during the hotter months of the year enable cross flow ventilation or protect outdoor areas from rain.  Model the vergola as a variable shading device that is open during the cooler months and closed during the hotter months - the default deciduous setting would be a suitable selection as per example 1.

Solar Pergola is typically a fixed louvre system when designed in consideration with orientation can allow light in whilst potential either controlling sun access during winter and summer or allow light in whilst completely blocking sun access during winter and summer.  The solar pergola can also be modelled as variable shading but if located on an east or west elevation with the louvre blades blocking 100% sun gains, instead model as solid shading device.

Shade Sails / Shade Cloth can easily be installed and removed and be extremely effective in providing protection against the sun.  Shade sails come in a varieties of UV-stabilised block.  If the percentage of block is not know, model using a default 70% block. - as per example 2.

Select a shading device which will give you access to the variable device settings.

Please note: you can create and save your own variable device settings within the software.

Example 1:


Example 2:


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