Re-positioning a modelled zone or entire project within the software.

Within BERS Pro you can;

  • Re-position individual zones
  • Re-position the entire level (excluding eaves)
  • Re-position eaves/roofline

These functions are beneficial if you have placed your floor plan incorrectly and need additional room to model all the zones.


Individual Zones:

Use the CRTL key for this move.

1) Click on a node in the zone you wish to re-position

2) Hold down CRTL & select another node in this same zone

3) Keep CRTL key pressed while you re-position this zone


Entire Level:

Use the ALT key for this move.

1) Click on a node in any zone 

2) Hold down ALT & select another node in any zone

3) Keep ALT key pressed while you re-position this whole level model


Eaves/Roof Line:

Use the CRTL key for this move.

1) Click on any node of the eaves/roof line

2) Hold down CRTL & select another node 

3) Keep CRTL key pressed while you re-position 


Please Note: the roof line must be dragged separately, or deleted and re-modelled.  Remember to re-enter the overshadowing if this needs to change based on the re-positioning of the zone/s.

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