Selecting a U & SHGC window system not available within the BERS window library?

If your client does not know which manufacturer they will be using, default window values must be used and applied as either Group A or Group B.

Defaults applicable to Group A - Hinged, Awning & Bi-Fold.

Defaults applicable to Group B - Sliding, Stacker, Fixed & Louvre.

If you have selected a default U & SHGC value where the description of the window system does not match the intended system - add a note to "Additional Notes for Portal Certificate" so that any confusion about the required new window system is explained - as per the following example.

Please Note:  For a window system to remain compliant with the values detailed within the NatHERS certificate, the installed window system must have a U Value equal to or lower than the stated U value, and must have a SHGC within 5% of the stated SHGC value.  For NSW the SHGC tolerance is 10%.  


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