If your client does not know which manufacturer they will be using, default window values must be used and applied as either Group A or Group B.
Defaults applicable to Group A - Hinged, Awning & Bi-Fold.
Defaults applicable to Group B - Sliding, Stacker, Fixed & Louvre.
If you have selected a default U & SHGC value where the description of the window system does not match the intended system - add a note to "Additional Notes for Portal Certificate" so that any confusion about the required new window system is explained - as per the following example.
Please Note: For a window system to remain compliant with the values detailed within the NatHERS certificate, the installed window system must have a U Value equal to or lower than the stated U value, and must have a SHGC within 5% of the stated SHGC value. For NSW the SHGC tolerance is 10%.